“Puppet Show”

This episode is significant for introducing the world to Principal Snyder. And for forcing us all to listen to Cordelia’s bad singing, which thankfully we don’t have to hear again until she relocated to Angel.

This is a good episode, but I suppose I would also put it in the “skip it” category for those looking for the essential episodes. And therefore, I don’t have a whole lot to say. This is a great whodunit episode with a fun mislead and a horny puppet/demon slayer. It’s not until Giles’ head is about to be cut off that Marc, the bad magician, is revealed to be the demon, but mostly because we don’t spend a lot of time with him beforehand. Watching the episode while knowing who the demon is doesn’t lend itself to obvious bread crumbs either. We as the audience are on the same page as Buffy and company for much of the episode. We might know that Morgan’s dummy isn’t the culprit a bit sooner than Buffy, but that’s it.

Morgan and his dummy

The best part of this episode is the end, when Buffy, Xander, and Willow, who have all been forced to perform by the new principal, attempt to do a scene from Oedipus Rex (why that play, couldn’t they have chosen something simpler?). It’s hilarious because it is acted horribly, and then Willow runs off the stage. Honestly, best thing about this episode. But you have to wait until the very end to see it.


This may be the shortest Buffy blog yet… don’t worry I have more to say about the rest of this season’s episodes.

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